Saturday, March 16, 2013

Candid Children Family Senior Portrait Photography in Loveland, Ft. Collins, and other Northern Colorado Area

The weather was too beautiful and my dear friend asked me to take photos of her son and his bestie, aka twin sister. So we decided to venture out and scout a new location for our shoot. 

 TWINS! :)

And we also thought that it would be fun for the girls to dress up in their Easter dress.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lifestyle Children Family Senior Portrait Photography in Ft Collins, Loveland, and Northern Colorado

Few things happened past couple of weeks I should update. 

First and foremost, I am so honored and privileged to be a part of The Gold Hope Project.  ("The Gold Hope Project is a team of over 500 photographers (and growing), worldwide, that raise awareness of childhood cancers by offering their services to fighters and survivors and putting faces to facts.") If you know of any families or agencies that may benefit from it, please make sure to refer them!

And there were lots and lots of snow! I'm actually surprised by how much I love this cold, white weather.  

And C decided to turn her closet into her gymnastics class.  Having the tendency to be overprotective, I had to remind myself to just let her be when she can. 

I also met the owner of storkologie through C's class who recently started a website called  It's a website to serve as a resource for new and expecting parents in Colorado.  So make sure to check her websites and refer people her way. :)